Building a Capsule Wardrobe

You may have heard of a capsule wardrobe before. A capsule wardrobe was coined by Susie Faux, the owner of a London boutique called "Wardrobe" in the 1970s. The idea was popularized by Donna Karen in the mid 80's when we released her capsule collection of seven interchangeable work-wear pieces. Most people I've read about have between 20-40 pieces in their capsule wardrobe. Yes that may seem ok until you dive into your closet & realize you have 145… cough cough… like myself.




So why go Capsule? For several years now, I have worked towards becoming a Minimalist. I was originally inspired by "The Minimalists" who are two bloggers I absolutely adore. Minimalism is a simple concept meaning just to live with less. Live with only what we need and only have things in your life that add value, rather than adding stress & excess. I video blogged through the Minimalists 30 day Challenge last year and had a lot of fun. Of all things, I have had the hardest time with minimizing my clothing. So today I have created a tomboy inspired 28 piece Capsule Wardrobe.

See our Winter Capsule Wardrobe Here!


Tomboy Capsule Wardrobe



Caroline over at Unfancy has so many amazing resources for people wishing to start a capsule wardrobe, including a free wardrobe planner. Go check her blog out. So, you're probably wondering how I (A Fashion Blogger) could ever utilize a capsule wardrobe. After all - it's my job to create fun new fashions for you all every week. Well - I have written a part 2 to this article! A more practical way to look at capsule wardrobes. This part two called "Get Real" is a more realistic way to look at the minimalism movement for those who aren't hardcore enough to minimize down to just 28 pieces (like me). Check out Part 2!  Travelling soon? Check out our post on how to pack everything you need in a carry on backpack.  Be sure to follow us on Instagram!

See our Winter Capsule Wardrobe Here!

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  • […] Hats in a recreation – yay! I love the simplicity of this outfit and it totally speaks to my minimalist wardrobe article. Most men or tomboy wardrobes are just full of simple basics. This outfit is a perfect […]

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